Welcome to the Bioresources Valorization Laboratory run by Andrew Nosakhare Amenaghawon (PhD) as the Principal Investigator (PI).

Andrew is currently an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Benin, Nigeria. He is a focused and dedicated Academic, Researcher and Consultant who has gained ample experience working in several capacities with numerous National and International agencies. With specialized training in Chemical Engineering, he has an in-depth proficiency and competence in Academics, Research, and Consulting.

Visit my Google Scholar and ResearchGate profiles for a comprehensive collation of my publications.

Visit my LinkedIn profile to connect and network with me.

At the lab, our research focuses on providing knowledge on the recovery of valuable products from bioresources by exploring the scientific and engineering aspect of the technologies for converting them into fuels, materials and specialty chemicals.

Sustainable development through the use of locally available resources for knowledge drive, impact and translation.

The vision of the lab is pursued via the following mission statements:
  • To promote innovative research in the area of natural products synthesis, environmental pollution mitigation and renewable energy deployment in a circular economy system involving bioresources valorization.

  • To serve as a platform for collaborative research efforts fostering impact-based interaction between academia, industry and government.

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