We accomplish our goal through collaborative work with researchers at varying levels of research experiences. We work with final year undergraduate students (through the final year research projects), undergraduate research interns (second to fourth year students), graduate research assistants (who have completed at least one university degree), postgraduate research students at Masters and PhD levels and more accomplished researchers through cross-institutional and cross-disciplinary research.

Andrew Nosakhare Amenaghawon

Principal Investigator

Dr. Andrew Nosakhare Amenaghawon serves as the PI of the Lab. He is responsible for driving the vision of the Lab.

Chinedu Lewis Anyalewechi

Graduate Research Coordinator

Chinedu has a PhD degree in chemical engineering. His work focused on the optimal recovery of liquid and gaseous fuels and solid adsorbent from the pyrolysis of palm kernel shells.

Steve Oshiokhai Eshiemogie

Graduate Research Coordinator

Steve is currently undergoing PhD studies at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, USA.

Peter Kayode Oyefolu

Research Assistant

Peter is currently undergoing PhD studies at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, USA.

Obiora Ebuka Muojama

Research Assistant

Obiora is undergoing his PhD studies at the University of Alabama, USA.

Ifechukwude Christopher Otuya

Research Assistant

Chris is currently an early career researcher at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro, Nigeria.

Ogaga Maxwell Okedi

Research Assistant

Maxwell is currently undergoing PhD studies at the Florida A&, University, USA.

Osamudiamhen Oiwoh

PhD Student

Osamudiamhen is working on optimally formulating a novel heterogeneous catalyst from waste biomass for use in catalysing the transesterification of an optimally formulated oil feedstock for biodiesel production.

Doris Ifaluyi

PhD Student

Doris is working on the optimal use of pour point depressants in improving the cold flow properties of crude oil.

Joshua Ayere

Undergraduate Research Student

Oxalic acid production from an optimally formulated ternary feedstock mix.

Mellissa Osagbemweworhue

Undergraduate Research Student

Development of heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production.

Stanley Eshiemogie

Undergraduate research student

Stanley recently completed his undergraduate degree program in chemical engineering with interest in environmental sustainability and clean energy systems.